Limewood Trilogy by Max Ready


Limewood Trilogy by Max Ready

Page 13.

Chapter 6. Lule and Edona

Limewood Trilogy by Max ReadyOkay, my thing on the Albanians. Hardly ever do we permit outsiders on a shoot. It's part of what Madame decries—the free for all nature of the male-dominated industry. Here, we don't think like men. It's not just let's hop in, the more the merrier, get your rocks off, roll the girls around like big joints, and so on. We have an artistic standard. Frad and Tony are artists who know how to compose a shot so it's lyrical and provocative. Yes, and I have a Master's in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley, though I studied film for two years at USC and UCLA in a double major for my BA. We have class and brains. So we don't have everyone's uncle and nephew all standing around beating their meat and chortling or whatever. As my creative writing teacher once said: do people really guffaw? I think they do on the sets of those porn movies just described.

Lule, from what I learn, means Blossom, while Edona is related to the Greek word 'edone or Desire, in the sense of pure love (not hedonism in the Western sense).

Mina brought these two pretty Albanians along with her, and I winked an eye shut because they seem like a respectable pair of women. I can always blame it on Mina, and she is in great standing with Madame. In the back of my mind (and Mina's) they came of their own volition, knowing what we do here. They know they are to be candy for Frad and Tony, which is great—works both ways. When Lule and Edona get back to their teaching jobs, and the other teachers ask them how their vacation was, they can only pat their chests and try to get their breath at the memories.

I'm glad for Frad and Tony. It's hard to watch people having sex all day, even if it's a job, and not wind up wanting someone sexy to relax with in your bubbie bath when the day is done. I say that because Mina has just entered the room (she flits in and out on bare, silent feet). Mina brings in a plastic bottle of expensive Parisian bubble bath and hands it to Edona and Lule. Lule and Edona accept the bottle with bright recognition. They nod a lot, look at each other, laugh brightly, then exchange great big raunchy grins with Mina. Everything understood.

Think about it. They come from a poor country, and they could have found someone to screw there, easily. Albania is still a Muslim country, where women are treated like property in a tradition that's actually pretty common around the Med including southern Italy and parts of Greece and Spain and so forth. Albania also provides a large number of victims for sex slavery around the world, so it can be a fairly nasty place. Childish, selfish, jealous men make it even more violent and dangerous.

These teachers, Lule and Edona, are middle-class, probably from wealthy families, and their lifestyle is very mainstream European. They shop in Paris, London, and Barcelona, it's clear from their clothes and their talk and behavior. When they aren't speaking their native Tosk Albanian, they converse in fluent French and Brit-accented English. Despite all, they look deliciously like exotic Roma women at their best. All they'd need is gold bangles on their fingers, wrists, toes, and in their noses, along with kohl makeup and scents of patchouli and other exotic fragrances.

So when they see this bath prep, a blue liquid from a stylish white plastic bottle, named Soleil Bleu, Blue Sun, they nod and laugh with Mina, and then cast hungry looks toward Frad and Tony. The looks are returned in the form of coy glances. Tony (we kid him) looks like a dark, hairy something you'd capture in the jungle, while Frad is a very button-down Rasta man who shaved off his dreads and became secular upon leaving Kingston and his failed reggae career for better prospects in London Town. Both he and Tony favor hiking boots, heavy wool socks on hairy legs, and khaki mixed with checkered lumber jack shirt stuff. Both of them wear polka-dot kerchiefs on their heads—Tony's blue, Frad's red.

Frad and Tony know we're going to break for lunch and swimming soon. The bubble bath is ready, as are the Albanian school marms. The shooting goes on with new vigor—new pep in the step—because our technical staff know they have some tail coming

Lorena is just warming up with Jane and Helmut. The noonday heat sets in amid a buzzing of bees and overpowering blossom scents.

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