Page 9.
We'll be shooting in about twenty minutes, is my guess as I look at my wristwatch, at the sky (for its light), and at the models.
Mina emerges from the car, dressed in a crisp white blouse, khaki shorts like a hunter's, and the cutest light-brown strappy sandals that blend well with her fine, tanned young legs and arms. Her auburn hair has dark red tones from too much sun, and looks dry in places. She takes good care of her skin, however, and keeps all of us moist with sun blocks. Madame has paid Mina to attend the finest schools for skin care, doing hair, and makeup. I suspect Mina would be long gone, if it weren't for the high salary Madame pays her, plus Mina is a loyal soul. She cares about her work and 'her people,' so we are all a bit pampered. And no, neither I nor any male staff has ever fucked Minait would be a ticket out of town the minute Madame found out. Plus, the girls are protective of Mina, like a sister. It's one of the unspoken codes of the VEV organization. Actually, to tell the truth, everything works so much better with well-defined rules and limits. That makes the juicy stuff all the more sexy and wholesome, and there are almost no limits.
What are the rules? I would have to make a list, to get them all, but it's pretty simple. No rough stuff, no sex without consent, and always use protection (rubbers for the men, creams for the women). Most girls do at least one or two pee-shoots, but we don't do kaka, kids, animals, gross, or pain.
Mina has brought with her two young women who I think are Albanian. They are dark-skinned, dark-haired, and sloe-eyed. It takes me a minute to realize they are Albanians, visiting on a tourist visa. They are actually successful young high school teachers, who are visiting the town of Lipa on a week-long R&R. Somehow they hooked up with Mina in a local restaurant or bar, chatted, one thing led to another, Mina made it clear what we are all about, and here they were. As in Vegas, what goes in Lipa stays in Lipa. That was their attitude. It is the attitude of several million northern Europeans and other visitors from farther away, who come to the Mediterranean as if it were an alien and beautiful planet where anything goes. It's always amazingwomen especially do things here they would not dream of doing at home, with partners they could find in their own neighborhood but would never think of becoming intimate with. The Germans, for example, though they are much freer than the Americans, come to the Mediterranean and the first thing they do is yank off their bikini tops. They'd be arrested for that in Florida or California. In Australia, they'd practically be arrested for not doing it.
I suspected that the two Albanians picked Lipa because it is quietly a women's sex tourism destination. Luckily, the swarm of local gigolos in Lipa town isn't too badmany of the Scandinavian, British, U.S., Japanese, and other sex tourists go to bigger islands or the mainland beaches up and down the Adriatic for the action, and come here to rest. So it's perfect for us, because we have all the action we need. But they had their eyes on us men already, especially Mr. Rasta himself, Frad.
Was I going to let them slip in before the camera during our shooting? Probably not. But Mina is Mme Lussec's mouthpiece, spy, and fixerme and my shadow, I often thinkand if Mina lets them slip in, who am I to say no.
Frad and Tony were quickly set up. We were going to shoot in the house rather than around the pool. Poolside is very pleasant, but not my favorite, because the intense sunlight makes for too much contrast. We like to see fine detail as the models lick and stick each other, but outside, the same bright sunlight that makes their buttocks sparkle also creates shadows in their crotches and ass cracks so you can't really tell what they are doing. We try our best to work around it with reflectors, but the better solution is to move into partial shade. Then the ground is too damp from watering, and the girls spread quilts but those get icky and damp, and everyone starts whining and cringing, and so on and so on. I will have gray hair by age of 33 next year. Do you know that it's a treat for men in my business to take a vacation someplace where there isn't a woman around for miles? But I love working with them, I get laid as regularly as I want, and I have nothing to complain about. Napoleon once said that, as long as you hear the soldiers grumbling, all is well; when they become silent, watch out.

Mina and I bumped into each other in the kitchen, which is a large room full of sunlight. The fixtures are all stainless steel, with cast iron pots and steel utensils hanging from hooks. The top half of this enormous space is whitewashed, while the lower half is tiled in those heavy, brick-colored pavers relieved with glossy blue floral insets.
"You ready to shoot?" she asks brightly as she darts about, setting things in order. The two Albanian women enter, carrying plastic grocery sacks, which Mina thanks them for leaving near the double-door brushed-steel fridge of U.S. manufacture. The Albanians rush out in their beach gear, looking for Helmut and Tony and Frad.
Mina comes close and pins my right leg between two smooth knees. She wraps her arms around my waist and rests one cheek against my belly. "Mmm," she groans, "they are setting up for the shoot. We have fifteen minutes if you like a quickie." She rubs herself up and down on my upper leg.
I've been watching Lorena diddling Jane, and Jane getting damp in the panties, and all the men around me seeing this and getting huge bananas. Mina guesses as much and has her hand up my shorts, on my balls. Then she grips me like a jungle animal. "Is this for me, or you been watching the girls?" She holds my dick, which stands out straight as a flag pole in her eager little hand.
"It's for you, Mina," I lie. "I was waiting for your little car to come up the road."
"Oh yeah?" She rubs my buttocks with both of her palms, still wrapped around me. Mina is an ass girl, primarily for men's asses, though I've seen her lips like octopus suckers on more than one female model's smooth butt.
Mina's action keeps pulling me toward her, in a tidal way, as the beach keeps pulling the incoming tide toward its skin-colored, damp smoothness.
Now she is squatting, has my shorts open, and is sucking on my cock while fondling her little tits. All I need to do for now is hold on to the pots and pans rack over my head, so I don't fall down as I grow faint. Mina's little mouth is on the head of my cock like a sea creature, her tongue gliding this way and that. Every ten seconds or so, she lets out a loud, wet popping sound as the vacuum seal breaks, and then she gloms on again with total mastery. She knows how to lubricate a man's dick with a mucus that one could use to build swallows' nests. It's like industrial lubricant. Mina's spit is actually better than many women's cunt juice, which is designed by nature to grease her hole so a man can slide in and out with rocket speed. Mina's spit is like a heavy oil that smells niceof citrus fruits with just a hint of armpit for that extra pungent pizzaz. She drools it on to the head of my schwanz, very lovingly, so that I'm ready to come in her mouthbut I need some more workup. Once she has greased my pole so that her moving hand makes sludge sounds that echo around the kitchen, she rises up to kiss me. I have to bend over because she is a foot shorter, but her tongue rises up in to my mouth like an attack submarine. Her tongue, like her cunt, is big. Her tongue fills my mouth, pushing my tongue out of the way as she has her way. This is not me making love to Mina. It's Mina having me for breakfast. She pushes my shorts down, and cups my balls in one hand while beating my meat with the other hand. All the while, she is thrusting that torpedo tongue into my mouth, making me breathless. I'm not alarmed because I have had sex with Mina before, so I know how it goes. It never ceases to excite me.
"You fuck me in the mouth," she commands, and gloms on to my cock again with her fine little teeth that glide painlessly on the film of her mucus and do not tweak my ultra-inflamed glans surface. She rises toward my mouth again with that tongue. "You fuck Mina in the cunt, yes? You make Mina happy. You put that big cock in Mina's wet cunt and push so Mina feels every inch, yes?"
"Oh yes, baby," I say in total arousal. I will make it through much of the day without a thought of doing the forbidden and banging our three female models. Mme Lussec has made it plain to her staff: "Make your own arrangements. You are here to work, not to have sex with my girls."
Mina has herself all worked up now. She is breathing really hard and fast, grunting almost, as she tows me by my dick to a couch that happens to be located for some reason along a hallway wall in public view. Maybe she likes the idea that people will see us. Mina is an exhibitionist. Anyone who works in this industry had better be, or find something else to do. I know what Mina likes. I sit down, with my lower half a bit forward so she can sit comfortably. Not that she sits for long. I have a fairly large cock when it's all inflamedand Mina has done a great job of inflaming itso now she sits on it gingerly. She's got it all gooped up with that motor oil mucus of hers. We both smell of citrus and armpitin fact, her cunt pungency fills the air around us. I'm surprised the omnipresent bees of Lipa don't come and make cunt honey. Imagine the market for cunt honey. Dark as the forest, pungent as citrus armpit, and sweet enough to give you an orgasm.
Mina rides me fast. The advantage small people have is a wealth of leg muscle versus a dearth of weight. So they can do the most acrobatic things. Mina works me faster than I could screw her if we were in the missionary position. Which, by the way, we always end up finishing in. Mina is a traditionalist at heart. Better yet, I would say she goes with the flow of nature. Men and women are designed to do many things together, but the missionary position is the most natural. I think it's why men are so much muscular than womena woman lies down, all soft and spread-eagled to make the mouth water, and we are like little field howitzers, banging away so the bed creaks and the woman's flesh makes loud, fast slapping sounds. And the woman gradually climaxes on a tide of ever-larger squirming and moaning, while the man shivers, shakes, shudders, and collapses in a fountain of groans. A sexually uninhibitedor momentarily turned onwoman can come like that several times for every wad-shoot by her male partner.
Mina turns herself around to face away, squatting like someone about to pee, and rides me up and down so fast I almost don't feel her ample hole. It's odd that many big, athletic women have tight little cunts, while small women often have big loose cunts. I don't care. I enjoy them allvariety is the spice of life. What I go for is sincerity, expressed in tight muscles, sweat, groans, sharp breaths, closed eyes. Mina is still wearing her white blouse, but her little brown ass is wet and sliding around in my lap while she is hoisted on my petard. I cup my hands around her buttocks and enjoy their softness. Her puckered brown asshole is eye candy. The most appealing aspect of women is their softness (unless we count the spirit of willing desire). Even big athletic girls have a certain delicate softness despite the muscles and heavy thighs made for running or rowing or disk throwing. Mina has small, almost childish limbs, though she is a totally grown-up woman and full of sex longing for a good hairy cock.
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