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Chapter 3. Mina's Quickie
Someone said: "I hear Mina."
That would be Mina Palmarino, my production assistant, driving soundman Tony Alfano in from the airstrip at the other end of tiny Lipa island.
Jane clopped away and resumed her watering, like a big sunny butterfly hopping from plant to plant. Lorena sighed and covered her hungry crotch with both hands. Lorena lay back with her hands in her pants and her eyes closed, perhaps dreaming of butterfly wings or Jane's labia. Helmut started doing pushups on the floor, getting ready for some athletic intercourse. Frad puttered over his camera equipmenta tall, ebony-skinned man with Eurasian features and short black kinky hair. He'd worn dreads once, but opted instead for the sleek explorer look. Dashka, the Croatian woman, combed her long, beautiful hair that was the color of dark rust on old iron. I went through the house and emerged at the Moon Hall door on the north side. Mina's little red Simca was just buzzing around the circular driveway fronting on the island's one main road that had a national highway number visible on white shields along the roadway.
Mina is a petite, gamine woman with auburn hair and Slavic features, though she is of Italian-Montenegrin origin. She has rich, mahogany-colored hair, full lips, a ski-ramp nose, and perky brown eyes. She is fluent in all the languages I generally need help in. Sometimes, I think she sprouts new languages at night in her sleep. Actually, she can make herself understood in any tongue. She is 24, but looks about 17, and has a small sexy body to match. On more than one occasion, while she is climbing in among the models during sex, wiping away sweat or grime or runny mascara or smudged lipstick or whatever, I have seen her get grabbed by a male or female model and sucked into the action. She is always willing to give her all, and enjoys the casual sex. She is well liked (okay, loved) and it's always fun, uninhibited, and consensualthe way Madame Lussec wants it to be. Now a word about Madame or Frau Lussec that will explain much.

If you know anything about the history of Germany's postwar sex potentate, Beate Uhse, you'll understand more about Madame Lussec (some say Lussex or Loose Sex, and Madame grins allowingly if she overhears).
Johanna Dietrich, later Frau or Madame Lussec, was born in Gotha to a French sales executive who married a beautiful blonde local girl, also named Hanna Dietrich. Both of Mme Lussec's parents died during an air raid on Berlin in 1944. She was four years old, and put into an orphanage at Potsdam, which in a few years lay in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany.
There are parallels with the other two famous German military women. Beate Uhse, born 1919 and died 2001, was Germany's leading female stunt pilot during the 1930s, though not the only military pilot during the war. The other was Hanna Reitsch, the female pilot who was the last woman to fly into Berlin before it fell, and carry out a top officialfor which she was promoted to field marshal, the only woman in modern history; she also flew the first combat jets, the Me-262 and the He 162 Volkswagen. She also piloted history's only combat rocket plane, the Me-163 Meteor. Reitsch (1912-1979) was a fanatic Nazi, who may have committed suicide with a cyanide pill given to her by Hitler himself in the Führerbunker in 1945.
Beate Uhse was far more pragmatic. She too flew the Me-262 and other combat aircraft as a transport pilot, less spectacularly, with the rank of captain. After the war, former Luftwaffe pilots were not allowed to fly planes, so she suffered through the deprivation of having lost her husband, of having a small child, and starving like many other Germans. Both Reitsch and Uhse were, by the way, photogenic if plain looking young women, blonde and healthy. Amid all the squalor and deprivation, Beate Uhse began building a business of her own. While training women to use safe sex and the rhythm method, avoiding back alley abortionists as much as possible, Beate opened the first post-World War II sex shop in Germany. From there, she grew her business with uncanny skill, until by the time of her death from old age (82) she had a global corporation that owned many sex shops, a publishing house, a film company, a television channel, and more. She died a household name in Germany. Her sex aids are the world's best selling products of their kind, and Beate Uhse A.G. is listed on the Frankfurt FWB stock exchange.
Madame Jeanne Lussec, despite the French name, is a former East German of a later generation. She born in 1940 to a French father and German mother in the city of Gotha, making her 60 at the turn of the new century. She is in her 70s today, and shows no sign of slowing. Her empire is smaller than that of Beate Uhse, but inspired by it. She, also, owns sex shops, a publishing house, a film studio, and a film distribution network on the pink side (sex industry). Her private hobby became my employment, namely Villa Entertainment Venusia (VEV).
Oh, and one other parallel with the other two women I mentioned. While Reitsch and Uhse were pilots for the Nazi-era Luftwaffe, Jeanne (Johanna Dietrich-Lussec) was a spy for the East German foreign intelligence service run by Markus Wolfconsidered perhaps the greatest and most successful spy master in history. That makes her turning to the West all the more spectacular. She was part of the same spy ring that turned Günther Guilleaume in the 1970s, costing former West Berlin mayor Willi Brandt his position as chancellor of West Germany. Amid the tremendous fallout, a U.S. Army colonel attached for duty with the West German army's intelligence branch managed to turn Johanna Dietrich-Lussec so that she worked for the West, against Markus Wolf's organization. It is said she was beginning to feed back valuable disinformation to her East German masters in the 1980s, but the East fell and Germany reunited in 1989. After this, Markus Wolf went into exile, and a lot of former DDR officials were tried as criminals. It turned out that one fourth of the East German public had been working for the Stasi (DDR internal or domestic spy organization), including wives and husbands against each other. At this point, having gained favor by working for the West, Jeanne Lussec moved in Germany, as far from the former DDR as possible, to the city of Bremen near the North Sea and not far east of ultra-progressive Holland. From there, the rest is history. She was a millionaire by 2000, and is worth over $100US million today. Her industry is running itself now, and continuing to rack up cash and assets. Her great regret in life is that she never had any children, except one little girl that died in infancy. She has been married three times, divorced once, and widowed twice, once by a car crash, the second by a sailing accident. So, to make a long story short, she looks on the girls of VEV as meine Kinder, 'my kids.'
That explains why her organization is the cleanest, most decent, and fun in the business. It explains why she keeps the sex and situations clean and wholesome (compared to the rest of the industry). In particular, her twenty years as a field operative in the Cold War espionage trade gave her the skills to cover for the girlstheir hiring, their movements, their film shoots, sometimes also armed bodyguards. A number of her girls have received scholarships to university, and two are already Ph.D. scholars, while another woman is a physician specializing in women's health issues at the great medical center at Bad Homburg, Germany, not far from the French border.
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